Liberate Liquidity
with Pachira

Welcome to the first fully on chain Decentralized ETF
that enhances capital efficiency with the liquidity tree protocol.

A Unique DeFi Primitive

Pachira introduces the Liquidity Tree Protocol, a unique DeFi primitive that offers an exchanged-traded fund, treasury asset issuance, and a multi-asset exchange; all operating to maximize investment efficiency without the need of oracles.

Maximizing Your Returns

Our innovative Pachira Vault stands out in digital asset management. Tap into a self-managing system that not only secures your assets but actively boosts your earning potential. This system stimulates trading volume and moves liquidity where its needed most.

Energize Stagnant Liquidity

By utilizing Liquidity Trees, Pachira optimizes underused liquidity, ensuring CHIR holders earn more. Pachira’s Continuously Rebasing Index Tokens (CRITs) encourages the emergence of dynamic sub-markets. This self-managing system safeguards your assets and actively enhances their profitability, offering an unmatched solution for your investment needs.

Who said money doesn’t grow on trees?

Pachira is a grounbreaking primitive that taps into additional liquidity and enhances trading. Utilizing $CHIR’s Decentralized ETF offering it provides several efficient means to access secure DeFi opportunities for users.

up to95%

Most liquidity Pools
let value go stagnant.
Liquidity Trees capture
that value and use it
to stimulate more trading.

Liquidity Tree visualization

Metric Totals
Revenue (LP) / LP Liquidity 19.4%
Revenue (LP + LP1 + LP2 ) / LP Liquidity 26.3%
Revenue Boost (Indexed Liquidity) 35.61*
Percentage Indexed 7.51%

*Table simulation metrics harvested from full left-tree simulation using ETH and DAI (Jan 2018 to Oct 2023)

Sub-totals: LP (ETH-DAI) LP1 (iETH-ETH) LP2 (iETH-DAI)
Liquidity $1,559,145
$71,961 $162,118
Revenue $302,140
$57,927 $49,673
Revenue / Liquidity 19.4%
80.5% 30.64%

What happens when Liquidity Trees are at work?

Utilizing Stagnant Liquidity

Liquidity Trees efficiently move liquidity where needed and interconnects markets. This causes significant volume spikes.

Simulations show with just 7.5% of previously stagnant liquidity, the LTP produces a remarkable 35% surge in overall aggregate revenue.

Generating Value

Volatility in the main liquidity pool (Parent LP) often leads to amplified changes in the subsidiary pools (Child LP’s), creating attractive arbitrage opportunities. These opportunities generate additional revenue in the subsidiary pools, thanks to the 0.3% fee charged on each transaction.

The Pachira Token Ecosystem

$RICH Token

A reserve-backed asset that fills a key role in decentralized ETF and multi-asset exchange.
Allows holders to claim a share of the ecosystem's revenue.

How does
$CHIR work?

Enhance Liquidity

The CHIR token enhances liquidity by incentivizing participation in the liquidity tree system, thereby increasing the available capital and improving overall market efficiency within the Pachira ecosystem.

$CHIR can be redeemed through swaps or vault withdrawals (ERC4626). This streamlined approach, backed by a range of collateralized tokens in a range of liquidity trees, is fundamental to Pachira’s market growth and reserve stability.

User Mints $CHIR

User Deposits liquidity into the PAchira Vault and new CHIR tokens are minted.

The liquidity Trees

Liquidity from the vault leverages the liquidity tree system to earn protocol fees for CHIR holders.

LP and Staking

Revenue generated goes back to the Liquidity Providers and $RICH token holders which will have access to claim a share of the ecosystem's revenue.

Redeeming and Burning

$CHIR can be redeemed through swaps or vault withdrawals (ERC4626) for the underlying assets value, burning the token and stabilizing the supply.

We’ve Got
You Covered

Innovative Liquidity Tree Protocol (LTP)

Transforms traditional liquidity pools into more efficient and dynamic systems without the need for oracles.

Co-ordinated Launch

Pachira will launch on a wide range of blockchains, enhancing flexibility and accessibility.

Decentralized ETF

$CHIR token offers diversified, automated, and optimized asset growth, leveraging DeFi advancements.

Enhanced Asset Growth

Utilizes advanced strategies for optimized and automated growth in asset portfolios.

Strategic Market Expansion

Focused on leveraging capital for new market creation and opportunities.

Stable Reserve Management

$CHIR ensures a balanced approach to reserve stabilization and risk management.

Governance Token Integration

$CHIR holders gain governance rights and the ability to influence reserve liquidity and market decisions.

Protocol Fee Sharing

$CHIR token holders are entitled to a share of the protocol fees, creating an additional incentive and aligning their interests with the overall performance and success of the Pachira protocol.

Don’t Miss
on Value

Pachira helps you find value your way.

Active DeFi Traders and Investors

Experienced in the DeFi space, these users actively trade and seek dynamic investment opportunities. They are proficient in using various DeFi tools and are comfortable navigating complex financial products.

Suitability: The platform caters to their needs with features for trading indexed tokens, accessing diverse liquidity pools, and exploring advanced investment strategies.

Community Projects

This group is keen on creating unique liquidity solutions and might represent decentralized projects or community-driven initiatives. They are interested in more than just passive income, focusing on creating and managing their own liquidity strategies.

Suitability: Pachira's liquidity tree system and the ability to create liquidity pools from scratch offer these users the tools they need to innovate and manage community-focused financial strategies.

Passive Income Investors

This group includes users looking for stable, passive income opportunities through liquidity provision. They are primarily interested in earning CHIR and protocol fees without engaging in active trading.

Suitability: Pachira's vaults and liquidity pools are ideal for these users, allowing them to invest with ease and enjoy a passive income stream.

Long-Term Strategic Investors

Users in this category are focused on long-term growth and are comfortable with longer vesting terms. They aim for higher returns over an extended period and are less concerned with short-term liquidity.

Suitability: The platform's feature of selecting different vesting terms aligns well with their investment philosophy, offering potentially higher returns for longer-term commitments.




Completed research on Impact of Streaming / Rebasing Balances in market liquidity.

Balances in market liquidity.

Market Implications of Liquidity Exit Strategies.


Smart Contract State Security with Modular Bytecode.

EVM CREATE2 Extensions Deterministic.


Context Dependency Injection.


Deterministic Pedigree Based Security.



R&D of Holographic Liquidity Projection algorithms.


Completed Development of Permissionless Modular Diamond Proxy Factory with LifeCycle Hook Extensions.


Definition of Pachira LTP architecture.


Economic peer review of Pachira LTP architecture including iterative improvement based on feedback.

Software architecture definition applying.

DAOSYS as factory protocol. 2024



Economic peer review of Pachira LTP architecture including iterative improvement based on feedback.

Software architecture definition applying.

DAOSYS as factory protocol.


Testnet Launch.

Pachira - CHIR/RICH vault, Liq. Trees.


Vault Factory setup

Partner Integrations Commence (Per Partner).


DETF Launch.

Pachira Launch under Bal V2



Token Generation Event.

Assessment and prioritization of lending protocol indexing.


Chain Expansion.

Partner Integrations Continue (Per Partner).

Pachira Launch under Bal V3


Soliciting of lending protocols for partnerships based on assessed priority.


Define Pachira V2 Lending Liquidity Tree Protocol

Who said money doesn’t grow on trees?

Pachira is a grounbreaking primitive that taps into additional liquidity and enhances trading. Utilizing $CHIR’s Decentralized ETF offering it provides several efficient means to access secure DeFi opportunities for users.

Meet The Team

Pachira is backed by a team of industry veterans who have been at the bleeding edge of decentalized technology, collaborating with leaders in the space.

Alex Guerra

Co founder & Head of Business

Alex has been a key partner in growing crypto ecosystems, with experience in growing ecosystems for a range of crypto products, protocols, and advancements.

A recent highlight of his crypto development includes expanding the ecosystem supporting the Bitcoin-backed layer-2 protocol Rollux.

Cyotee Doge

Co founder and lead developer

Cyotee Doge leads the engineering function at Pachira after having been the main architect of the Olympus DAO. Now responsible for the technical execution of the Pachira Liquidity Tree Protocol and integrating it with various blockchain ecosystems.

Ian Moore

Co founder and data scientist

With a PhD in Applied Mathematics, Ian works in the cutting edge of data science, tokenomics research, and engineering. He has plays a key role in the development of layer-1 protocol Syscoin.

His work before crypto includes implementing Machine Learning methodologies at industry leaders such as GE, 2nd Address, and Neurio Technology.

Patrick Breaux

Head of marketing

Patrick brings the team over half a decade of spearheading crypto marketing for projects ranging from layer-1 and layer-2 protocols to NFT marketplaces.

His background in multimedia gives him a key foot insight into trends and identifying and building relationships with community leaders.

Alex Priadko

Full Stack Developer

Years of web development and smart contracts.


Blockchain Engineer

Thom is a Seasoned Blockchain Engineer experienced in building innovative web3 solutions. Expertise in Solidity smart contracts, multichain architecture, dApp development, DeFi protocols, and financial primitives integration. Proven track record of delivering cutting-edge blockchain projects for startups and enterprises.

Andre Fialho

Crypto-native Developer

Andre Fialho is a Crypto-native developer with a background in smart contracts and data analytics.

SYS Labs


SYS Labs is a team of experts developing products, protocols, and strategies to build and grow the blockchain industry. The team spearheads practical and reliable solutions required for the long term adoption of decentralized technology, including their long commitment to bringing the security and stability of Bitcoin to Solidity-based products with a focus on Ethereum Virtual Machine protocols.

DeFi Partner Program

Would you like to be a part of transforming the DeFi space?
Reach out to our team about onboarding and integration.